Tourist Attractions: "Machu Picchu" Lost Inca legend .. ~ Hotels for US

Tourist Attractions: "Machu Picchu" Lost Inca legend ..

On top of a remote mountain in the Peruvian Andes, at an altitude of over 2,500 m, lies the effects of an ancient city. Where built to satisfy the ambition of the Emperor of the fifteenth century, it is amazing legacy of empire Americas Alazimh- Inca Empire.

In order to prove divinity, is the god of the empire of the Incas, Pachacuti, the construction of a holy city in the sky. Khaleda city attracts the sun hidden energy and natural boundaries rays. Experienced engineers Pachacuti They raced problem after another-how to support the land and buildings to resist soil erosion, earthquakes and rain storm; how to mobilize rainfall in the channels of a safe way to secure water for thousands of residents of the mountain summit, which is just 450 meters from the nearest river; how transporting brick granite huge, often weighing several tons without the use of cranes or wheels or oxen or horses; and how to build, without cement or mortar, walls resistant to natural factors and the time, the walls of the beauty of the art of stone captivate and astonish engineers and architects. Machu Picchu was discovered less than 100 years, but they remained as Pachacuti wanted to be, one of the most mysterious giant ancient buildings and inspiration in the world.

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